braces teeth中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. dental braces - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
▾. 英语-中文正在建设中 ; dental · 牙科 形 ; braces · 括号 复 ; braces · 背带.
#2. "Braces (for teeth)"用中文(繁體,香港) 要怎麼說? - HiNative
Braces (for teeth) 用中文(繁體,香港) 要怎麼說? 查看翻譯 · 牙套/ 牙箍 · 牙 · 牙套/ 牙箍 · 牙= teeth / tooth.
#3. dental braces翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
dental braces中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:牙箍牙套牙齒矯正器。英漢詞典提供【dental braces】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
dental braces中文 意思:牙齒矯正器…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋dental braces的中文翻譯,dental braces的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
只裝上面或下面的牙套還是要用複數,後面再加「上面或下面的牙齒」 比如: She wears braces on her upper teeth. (她(平常)上面的牙齒戴牙套。)
orthodontics 的例句. orthodontics. What follows is a long and frustrating journey; nearly a five-year experience with dental surgery and orthodontics.
#7. 牙套是如何工作的(為什麼這麼慢)? (How Braces Work (And ...
情境英文:去看牙醫(Speaking English - Going to the dentist). 4K. 中文 B1 中級 · 【英文發音】想說的像母語人士一樣道地嗎?你 05:31 ...
在BFC口腔医院我们为您提供3 种不同类型的金属托槽牙齿矫正。 1.普通金属托槽矫正(Metal Braces) : 是金属托槽粘在牙齿上,用钢丝固定,慢慢使 ...
#9. braces (dental), 翻译成中文, 例句, 英文 - Glosbe字典
中文 中的“braces (dental)"如何: 矯形牙套.上下文翻译: Brace yourself everybody. ↔ 每個人都保持良好。
#10. dental braces 的中文含义 - 独特工具箱
单词dental braces 的含义:[0] 牙齿矫正器[1] 牙套[2] 牙箍.
#11. dental braces中文 | teeth braces中文 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
teeth braces中文 ,大家都在找解答。dental braces的中文意思:牙齿矫正器…,查阅dental braces的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。
#12. 到底為什麼那麼痛?牙套原理大揭密! (How Do Braces ...
中英字幕)(How to Pronounce SORRY -- American English Pronunciation). 23K. 中文 B1 中級 · 如何正確地刷牙--兒童篇(How to Brush Your Teeth Properly - 03:30 ...
#13. brace - WordReference.com 英汉词典
brace - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. brace n, (knee or ... She couldn't wait to have her braces removed once her teeth had been straightened.
#14. orthodontics 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
orthodontics \orthodontics\ n. (Med.) A branch of dentistry specializing in the treatment of the teeth so as to make the teeth align properly within the ...
#15. 经济实惠的牙齿矫正 - Dental Braces Singapore
Your FUN metal braces are done by an orthodontist (Singapore MOH accredited dental braces specialist), assuring you of the best possible results.
#16. 墨尔本东区牙齿矫正/正畸专家 - Blackburn Orthodontics
David 张宏达医生 · 墨尔本皇家牙科医院(Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne) · 墨尔本牙医诊所(Melbourne Dental Clinic) · 半岛牙齿矫正诊所(Peninsula Orthodontics).
#17. Global Digi Dental Clinic-隱形矯正Aligner Orthodontics
Aligner Orthodontics. Compared to traditional braces that rely on the strength of metallic braces, invisible aligners provide a much simpler solution.
#18. created to weld dental braces-翻译为中文-例句英语
Our dental team serves patients of all ages, and provides family and pediatric dentistry, orthodontics (braces), oral surgery and dental implants, ...
#19. orthodontic braces的中文释义 - 沪江网校
orthodontic braces. phr. 牙齿矫正器. 英英释义. an appliance that corrects dental ...
#20. Orthodontics 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Orthodontics 释义: the branch of dentistry concerned with preventing or correcting irregularities of the... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#21. 隐适美(Invisalign ® )系统如何运作?
Q & M Dental Group was first established in November 1996 in Singapore. We have firmly established our brand name in Singapore, ... Types of braces ...
#22. 保持舒適無痕的微笑 - 隱形牙套& 牙齒矯正| Dr Clear Aligners HK
Daphne Charice Smiling with Dr Clear Aligners Invisible Braces ... Invisible Braces compare Metal Braces In Teeth Mould Visual. 隱形牙套; 鋼絲牙套.
#23. Orthodontics - 新當代牙醫高壓氧植牙
Orthodontics is a preventive treatment. Teeth straightening can not only improve your pronunciation, chewing style, risk of tooth decay reduction and ...
#24. Orthodontics |YTTSD Dental Clinic - 悅庭牙醫診所
HOME » Orthodontics. YTTSD orthodontic department seeks balance in three essential elements: HEALTH, FUNCTION, and BEAUTY. We expect that your signature ...
#25. 牙套|braces - 經理人
牙套的英文是braces,恆用複數,也有「支架」的意思。負責裝上並微調牙套的醫生稱為orthodontist「牙齒矯正醫師」,不是dentist。帶牙套的時候, ...
#26. Braces Wax 牙套蠟,10 入。牙套和牙套用牙套,無香味,無味- 50 ...
提供翻譯服務。 查看English問與答的繁體中文翻譯版本。
#27. 隱形牙套| Invisible braces for straight teeth - Smilelove 香港
If you want to straighten your teeth, but are scared about the cost, time, ... uncomfortable braces or pay thousands of dollars for clear teeth aligners.
#28. 三种最常见的绑牙类型| 新山牙科
The Smile Dental Lounge @Johor Bahru is a certified Invisalign provider. We also offer metal and ceramic self ligating braces (orthodontics)
#29. 對準器技術概述 - Whitesmile Clear Aligner
Dental Clinic Showroom ... 2023 Whitesmile Clear Aligner - The Clear and Affordable Invisible Braces. Proudly powered by Sydney. × Let's chat on WhatsApp!
#30. Department of Craniofacial Orthodontics|科部介紹 - 長庚醫院
醫師姓名 職位 連結 HUANG‑CHIUNG‑HSING Attending Physician 醫師資料 KO, WEN‑CHING Attending Physician 醫師資料 LIU‑JEN‑WEN Attending Physician 醫師資料
#31. The Guide to Getting Braces in Surrey, BC
Simply put, dental braces are what specialized dentists called orthodontists use to realign teeth that are out of place, crooked and improve ...
#32. landing page mandarin - Embrace Orthodontists
... 医生可以与您进行广东话和普通话的交流,针对于中文语言的客人,MANN医生在当月提供一些特殊的优惠,咨询费优惠后为$90。 ... Australia Society of Orthodontics.
#33. Braces Teeth Photo Editor - Google Play 應用程式
大括號牙齒照片編輯器和自拍相機是一個新的應用程序,讓你很棒的大括號貼紙。 大括號相機可以讓你獲得逼真的照片,當你得到真正的大括號時你會看到它 ...
#34. orthodontic braces 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English ...
Did you mean orthodontia, orthodontics, orthodont? braces. 背带. English Definition. (名) As a noun. An appliance that corrects dental irregularities.
#35. 给你的照片添加完美牙套 - 下载real braces teeth
免费地下载Real Braces Teeth针对于Android的APK. ... Real Braces Teeth是一款有趣的软件,它可以通过非常独特、快速和简单的方式帮你编辑照片:添加 ... 语言, 中文.
#36. Adult Orthodontics - Exceptional Dentistry for the Whole Family
Abra Dental is proud to offer orthodontics for patients of all ages. From traditional braces to clear aligners, the smile of your dreams can become a reality ...
#37. 馮婉瑤齒列矯正專科 - Straight Finish Orthodontics
Dr. Shauna Fung of Straight Finish Orthodontics is your Brooklyn, Manhattan, the LES, and New York, NY orthodontist providing braces for children, teens, ...
#38. 牙齒矯正
We provide services ranging from traditional braces, functional appliances and even a more comfortable & subtle option- the invisible braces (Invisalign)!
#39. Dr Clear Aligners Official | Top Invisible Braces in DE
Life can be better with a good smile. We offer professional orthodontic treatments to straighten and perfect your teeth. Check out more now.
#40. Interceptive Orthodontics(阻斷性矯正治療)
This is called interceptive orthodontics. The objective of interceptive orthodontic treatment is to make room in the child's mouth for all the ...
#41. Braces | Smyrna, TN & Franklin, TN | Orthodontics
Orthodontics in Franklin & Smyrna. An orthodontist specializes in treating abnormalities like crooked teeth and bite problems (overbite or underbite). Trust the ...
#42. 60610 Dental Braces Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Portrait of a happy smiling teenage girl with dental braces and glasses. · Orthodontic Dental Care Concept. · Face of a young woman with braces on her teeth.
#43. Removable Teeth Aligners & Braces | Clearsmile | FAQ
Are removable teeth aligners as effective as the traditional braces? Get your questions on why removable ... FAQ – 简体中文. 1为什么我要使用ClearSmile隐形 ...
#44. Braces Dentist Singapore - Dental Designs Clinic
Metal braces move teeth using wires and metal brackets bonded to your teeth. Traditionally, they are held in place with colourful rubber bands. These braces are ...
#45. How Braces Work to Straighten Your Teeth?
Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces, except the brackets are on the back of your teeth facing your tongue. (So other people cannot ...
#46. Braces - East Nashville Orthodontist
Traditional metal braces use a combination of stainless steel brackets, arch wires, and elastic ties or bands to gently move teeth as prescribed by your ...
#47. Dental braces and retainers | healthdirect
scratches and mouth ulcers from the braces rubbing · tooth decay or discolouration due to poor dental hygiene · gum infection · your teeth moving again afterwards ...
#48. Preparing Your Teeth for Braces - Reddick Orthodontics
Take a look at some of the things you may have to do before you can get braces. Even if you have already decided what type of orthodontic treatment you want to ...
#49. Orthodontics (Braces/Invisalign) - Clemton Park Dental
Orthodontic treatment is the process of straightening your teeth. The straightening of teeth is MORE than just a pretty smile – it also so creates a HEALTHY ...
#50. Glen Waverley 正畸专科我们的优势
对我们来说,您对矫正计划的知晓与满意是十分重要的。如果你有任何问题—请随时咨询我们! Waverley Orthodontics.
#51. Dental braces - wikidoc
Dental braces (also known as orthodontic braces) are a device used in orthodontics to correct alignment of teeth and their position with regard ...
#52. Orthodontics/Braces for Children
Orthodontics is the dental specialty that focuses on the development, prevention, and correction of irregularities of the teeth, bite, and jaws.
#53. BraceMate 在#中文- 为#正畸医生
#happychinesenewyear #happylunarnewyear #yearofthemonkey #cny2016 #braces #orthodontics #orthodontist #colours #colour #pick 恭贺新年, 恭喜发财, 猴年吉祥, ...
#54. Types of braces - One Smile Orthodontics
One Smile Orthodontics in Hurstville, South Sydney provides a range of teeth straightening treatment options, from Invisalign to traditional metal braces.
#55. 看牙醫的相關英文知多少?牙套、牙科
Tooth 指的是牙齒(單數),複數的話則是用teeth,加上ache 痛表示牙痛。 ... Orthodontic treatment 牙齒矯正; Crown 牙套; Braces 牙齒矯正器(統稱) ...
#56. 牙套和保持器功能,傻傻分不清楚?在成为牙套族前 - Erufu Care
Babies can't wear braces ... Dollah loses a teeth after a freak accident ... Juliet sees through a transparent dental aligner.
#57. Teeth Braces in Philadelphia - Dental Solutions
How Orthodontic Treatment Works. Braces consist of bands, wires and/or brackets. Bands are fixed around the teeth or tooth and used as anchors for the appliance ...
#58. Teeth Braces in Flint - Family Dental Group
Braces not only improves the look of misaligned or unattractive teeth. It improves overall oral health and self-esteem. Get braces from our Flint dentist ...
#59. Braces in Singapore: Prices and Student Packages | i.Dental
Braces straighten your teeth, eliminate speech difficulties and correct poorly grown jaws. Learn more about our affordable braces prices now!
#60. Adult orthodontics - 大人の矯正(英語)
Adult orthodontics. First we need to recognize the condition of occlusion, including facial skeleton , teeth alignment, and occlusal muscles. For adult ...
#61. Braces | Dental Care of Alexandria & McLean
Ceramic braces are the exact size and shape as traditional metal ones, but they are clear or white in color so that the device blends into your teeth better.
#62. Child Orthodontics - Braces For Kids - Orthoworx
Orthodontic Treatments For Kids. Growing and maturing teeth require the best possible service from the most experienced Orthodontic experts.
#63. Orthodontics in East Vancouver | Braces for All Ages
Traditional wire braces are often used to help correct poorly aligned teeth or jaw issues. Though this type of orthodontic treatment is most commonly applied ...
#64. Teeth with braces — 圖片檔- 牙箍 - iStock
立即下載此Teeth With Braces 照片。在iStock 的免版稅圖片庫中搜尋更多牙箍圖片,輕鬆下載快捷簡易。
#65. Braces - Nashville Orthodontist - Embassy Dental
Braces in Nashville, TN. Traditional braces are constructed to correct the alignment of your teeth using a framework of metal straightening wires and brackets.
#66. Traditional Braces Bonner's Ferry - Sandpoint
Are you looking for Dental Braces Treatment in Sandpoint, ID? At Ballard Orthodontics we provide quality dental care to our patients. Call us today!
#67. Types of Braces | Clear & Metal Braces - Tardy Orthodontics
You have options for different types of braces at Tardy Orthodontics. We offer a variety of dental brace treatments to straighten teeth! Braces have come a long ...
#68. Braces - Royce Dental Surgery
Dental braces are an orthodontic treatment used to straighten and align crooked teeth. Crooked teeth can cause decay and gum problems.
#69. Teeth Braces in Holyoke - Baystate Dental
Most orthodontic patients choose metal orthodontics as an effective way to straighten their smile, but some opt for ceramic braces to achieve a more ...
#70. Orthodontics | Hokkaido University Hospital
We provide dental care to more than 300 new patients each year. Our aim is to achieve proper and beautiful teeth alignment, bite and appearance that will ...
#71. orthodontics的意思在线翻译:英文解释,中文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
共找到1项关于orthodontics意思的翻译解释和用法说明. 相关词• orthodontics 单词意思查询Top5 • outlet的意思 • logo的意思 • menu的意思 • combo的意思
#72. Invisible Braces | What is BRIUS lingual braces? - Porth
Lingual braces are similar to traditional metal braces but they are placed back of your teeth. Limited number of orthodontists offer this type of braces.
#73. Braces - Experteeth Dental Group
Dental braces are devices that orthodontists prescribe for dealing with situations requiring straightening or re-aligning of teeth. The objective of dental ...
#74. Metal Braces - White Rock Orthodontic Center | Surrey BC
What Braces are Made Of · Brackets — Brackets are attached to the teeth using special glue that bonds them to the tooth surface and holds them in place.
#75. Maintain Straight Teeth After Braces - Pearly Whites Dental
Teeth Can Shift After Braces · Teeth Grinding and Clenching – This is an oral condition called Bruxism. · Tooth Loss – When someone loses a tooth, the teeth ...
#76. Braces: What to expect - Brident
You might need to, if you have an overcrowded mouth or an extra tooth. In this case, your orthodontist may recommend removing teeth to make room for a healthier ...
#77. Teeth Braces in Oxon Hill - Dental One Associates of Maryland
Dental braces are utilized to treat crooked, uneven or crowded teeth. They work by shifting the teeth into their proper position over a period of time.
#78. Braces for Adults | Broadmoor Dental - Pasco, WA
An increasing number of adults are choosing to wear braces to straighten their teeth & correct malocclusions (bad bites). Call Broadmoor Dental today.
#79. Hidden Orthodontics Treatment - Lingual Braces - Clear Dental
Lingual dental braces in Sydney represent an ideal treatment for people who are worried about how they will look when they wear a brace.
#80. Teeth Braces in Bloomington - The Foehr Group
Dental braces in Bloomington can help you or your child have a beautiful, straight smile, call us at (309) 740-4241 today to schedule a consultation.
#81. Life With Braces | Heart Orthodontics Dr. Yang Li
You can still enjoy great food, but a little common sense goes a long way. FOODS TO AVOID WITH BRACES: Chewy foods — bagels, licorice; Crunchy foods — popcorn, ...
#82. Embrace Orthodontics: Orthodontist Ann Arbor
Orthodontic treatment helps correct teeth and jaws that are not positioned properly in their natural state. It can be either preventative such as helping create ...
#83. Braces | Main Street Children's Dentistry and Orthodontics of ...
Metal braces are one of the most common options for straightening teeth. Treatment consists of placing metal brackets and wires over each tooth. Ceramic braces ...
#84. Teeth Braces in Marietta - Dental One Associates of Georgia
Orthodontics for kids usually involves traditional metal braces. Ceramic braces use clear or tooth-colored brackets for a subtler appearance. Invisible braces ...
#85. Teeth Braces in Cave Creek - Cordon Orthodontics
Where Can I Find a Braces Dentist Near Me? Achieving a straighter smile with orthodontic treatment is possible with the help of our knowledgeable dentists. We ...
#86. BRACES-在英语词典里braces 的定义和近义词。 - Educalingo
在英语词典里带使用范例的braces含义braces的近义词以及braces的25种语言翻译。 ... 翻译者英语- 中文 ... I wouldn't even have braces on my teeth.
#87. Orthodontic treatment | HealthPartners & Park Nicollet
When you're experiencing problems with the position of your teeth and want to explore options for dental braces, find the answers you're looking for with a ...
#88. A Dental Guide to Braces | Dental One Associates of Virginia
Ceramic braces are less noticeable than metal braces as they are tooth-colored and blend well with one's natural teeth. A significant downside of ceramic braces ...
#89. Teeth Braces in Georgia - Imagix Dental
If this describes you, then you may be interested in learning morning about braces. These orthodontic treatment devices can fix your misaligned teeth by ...
#90. Teeth Whitening With Braces - CustMbite
Braces do more than just straighten your teeth. They can also fix your bite if you have an overbite or underbite. In fixing your bite, braces alleviate problems ...
#91. Teeth Braces in Warren - Gentle Dental of Michigan
Visiting an experienced braces dentist you trust is key when considering orthodontics. Our dentists have successfully treated patients of all ages with ...
#92. Ultimate Guide to Braces for Kids - Best Dental Care for Kids
Usually, children between the ages of nine and 14 can get braces, because the child will have some permanent teeth at this point. Although ...
#93. Braces and Invisalign® Cost (2022) - Orthologie Orthodontics
Here at Orthologie Orthodontics in Vancouver, we are proud to provide transparent costs, competitive treatment fees, and flexible payment plans.
#94. Orthodontics – Artistic Smiles of Orange, CA
Traditional braces can provide Orthodontics treatment for a wide range of orthodontic problems, including bad bites, crooked or crowded teeth & misalignment.
#95. Brushing With Braces Archives - 卑诗省大温地区牙齿矫正专家 ...
Four Kinds of Braces ... PacificWest Dental小红书 ... 4月22/28号晚上6-7点,PacificWest牙科集团的医生将做客加拿大中文电台(Fairchild Radio)的“加居生活”节目 ...
braces teeth中文 在 BraceMate 在#中文- 为#正畸医生 的推薦與評價
#happychinesenewyear #happylunarnewyear #yearofthemonkey #cny2016 #braces #orthodontics #orthodontist #colours #colour #pick 恭贺新年, 恭喜发财, 猴年吉祥, ... ... <看更多>